Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies JZ CENTRE STAGE. This company belongs to the following categories: general contractor. You can find JZ CENTRE STAGE at 5G/427 Docklands Dr, Docklands, Victoria 3008.


Postal address:
5G/427 Docklands Dr, Docklands, Victoria 3008
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Phone number:
03 9042 0394

Official website:

General contractor  

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JZ Centre Stage is an Australian music company which specialises in music education, music production and music performance. JZ Centre Stage’s mission is to provide artists from both Australia and abroad, the creative platform which connects eastern and western music genres, developing artists from all levels to appreciate, apply and enjoy what modern music has to offer. No matter if you are just starting to learn music as a beginner or have played music for a long time at a more advanced level, JZ Centre Stage will continue to introduce new music influences to challenge and develop you as an artist. JZ Centre Stage believe that music is the universal language which connects people from all over the world and that music can bring joy, love, compassion and cultural diversity into our lives each day.

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